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Asia IP

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Cambodia, Singapore renew MOU to strengthen IP rights

It aims to strengthen economic ties and innovation environment, IP protection and more.

Unregistered industrial designs as a subject of legal protection in the EU

Intellectual property is a broad category that includes many different objects of legal protection....

Beyond the courtroom: IP litigation as a competitive tool

IP litigation drives market dominance and protects rights, but it requires balance with other strate...

Online enforcement of intellectual property rights in the Philippines: A balancing act

The internet presents a myriad of challenges for IP rights holders, including those in the Philippin...

Enforcing IP rights in the Philippines where IP owners are a preferred class of litigants

While securing IP rights is an initial step, enforcement, coupled with commercializing the IP asset,...

IPOPHL to aspiring political candidates: Respect IP rights

IPOPHL reminds candidates to obtain permission from artists before turning their creations into camp...

Kiwi fruit seller in China wins IP rights against infringers 

The court penalizes three people and sentences them to three years and nine months in jail for infri...

Malaysia awards “Most Intellectual Property Rights Merchandise” to global brand

This states that the brand offers products that are legally licensed by well-known intellectual prop...