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Asia IP

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Pikachu with guns? Nintendo fires back

A new game imagines Pokémon-like creatures thrust into a dystopian landscape where they build factor...

Suing by email: A legal scheme targeting Chinese sellers

How can Schedule A litigation combat online counterfeiting and infringement? – Cathy Li

Fraudulent signatures deal major blow to a Schedule A litigation case

This questions patent validity and exposes systemic legal flaws.

For startups and SMEs: The way to a cost-effective patent strategy

Having limited financial means shouldn’t stop startups and small enterprises from crafting their own...

UAE sees significant increase in IP registrations

Trademark registrations and IP registrations increased by 39.12 percent and 34.3 percent, respective...

Updates to Singapore’s regulations relating to patent linkage

Amendments to Singapore’s Health Products (Therapeutic Products) Regulations (the TPR) came into for...

Patenting in biotechnology: Protecting your groundbreaking inventions

Patents play a crucial role in protecting biotechnological innovations. Simran Kaur Khalsa breaks do...

The power of data analytics for innovation and IP

Data analytics are vital in developing effective IP strategies. Espie Angelica A. de Leon reports fr...