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Asia IP

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Olympics 2024: When fashion brands strike gold

Sports merchandise makes consumers and supporters feel more connected to sporting events, personalit...

South Korea fashion labels launch association to crack down counterfeits

Small- and medium-sized fashion brands teamed up with online fashion retailer Musinsa to establish t...

Fashion and IP: What’s in vogue?

In the fashion industry, trends are a constant.

Katie Perry triumphs over Katy Perry in trademark case in Australia

Melbourne IP attorneys discuss key observations from Taylor v. Killer Queen, LLC

Greater transparency about fashion items via labelling

IP attorney from NZ discusses Adrian Hailwood and the subject of duplicate designs

IP attorney says there’s a lot of copying, “inspiring” in fashion world

NZ IP attorney discusses infringement issue involving Greek clothing brand and leading retailer

Fashion world more ready now for metaverse IP issues, says expert

Prof. Dr. Irene Calboli, professor of law at Texas A&M University School of Law in Fort Worth believ...

Fashion and intellectual property: Some designers are sharing, selling their garment patterns

What are the risks and how can fashion designers prevent misuse of intellectual property?