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Asia IP

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Acceptance of Written Opinion under ASEAN patent work-sharing program comes into force

The acceptance of a Written Opinion issued by any participating intellectual property (IP) office un...

Indian IP laws and public health emergencies

How can the Indian Patents Act and the TRIPS Agreement can help the Indian government manage the pan...

ASPEC Enhances Access to ASEAN

According to statistics, the ASEAN region is the third-largest market and the third-fastest growing...

Potential Changes to the Patent Law in Singapore

The Intellectual Property Office of Singapore has indicated there may be upcoming changes to the Sin...

Singapore and Europe Join Hands

Increased cooperation with the European Patent Office is a key element in Singapore’s aim to b...

Administrative Enforcement of IP Rights in India

India’s administrative agencies can take effective steps in cases of intellectual property rig...

ASEAN Patent Examination Cooperation (ASPEC) – Towards a faster and better quality search and examination of patents in the ASEAN region

The search and examination of patents is an activity which consumes many resources. In order to stre...