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Asia IP

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INTA 2024: Brands seek strategies for digital assets

Individuals and brands venturing into digital assets must clearly understand their purpose and expec...

Classical trinity of passing off analyzed

The Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) decision in ZERODENSITY YAZILIM ANONIM SIRKETI...

Indian satellite lands on moon; brands capitalize on its success

Various entities in the market are piggybacking on the wave of Chandrayaan-3’s successful landing.

Clarivate names Top 100 new brands of 2023

The world of brands is changing, with the East growing in prominence in new brand creation: An incre...

Traditional goods in Indonesia can now become global brands

The minister stated that this good news came from Geneva, Switzerland.

AI does not signal the death of trademarks, IP lawyers say

Speakers at one of the sessions held during the 2023 INTA Annual Meeting Live+ from May 16 to 20, 20...