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Asia IP

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Indian news outfit sues OpenAI for copyright infringement

Fair use cannot be claimed, technological advances shouldn’t overlook essence of the law – IP lawyer

Copyright exception rules in Singapore need to be clarified – U.S. Motion Picture Association

Problem may lie in the rules’ broad scope, opt-out mechanism also needed

PIL filed in Delhi High Court addressing unauthorized use of artistic works by AI

A public interest litigation has been filed in the Delhi High Court. The suit, brought by model Kanc...

Features of legal protection and advantages of a well-known trademark

A well-known trademark is a special type of trademark that has certain features and a number of adva...

From fame to frame: How can personality rights be secured against AI misuse?

In the age of artificial intelligence, where digital simulations can replicate human likenesses with...

Protecting Personality rights and dealing with Deep Fakes

AI is revolutionizing the way brands collaborate with celebrities, making it imperative for regulato...

Illegal streaming devices in online marketplaces: to stop piracy, SG authorities step up efforts

Problems remain as sellers on ecommerce can easily create new accounts, among others.

No longer a Chill Guy, artist wants copyright

The Chill Guy meme, which has taken the internet by storm, is now at the centre of an IP controversy...