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Asia IP - Intellectual Property News and Analysis

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ASEAN has a unique way of working together while maintaining different IP systems. Michelle Ko spoke...

The Rise of RCEP

With the apparent death of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partne...

The Future of Multilateral Trade Agreements

The Trump presidency brought about the United States’ expected withdrawal from the Trans-Pacif...

ASEAN: We are Ready

The ASEAN Intellectual Property Association was formed 20 years ago in Kuala Lumpur. Lily Zhang ...

IP Moves to Malaysia’s Centre Stage

As Malaysia’s rapid development has put the country on track to become East Asia’s fifth...

Enforcement Options in Malaysia Lag, But Show ‘Strong Growth Potential’

While Malaysia has made great strides in increasing the awareness of intellectual property rights, p...

The 2012 Trademark Survey

As trademark practitioners around Asia adjusting to new laws, amendments and changes, regional ...