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Asia IP

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Taiwan’s IP Experts 2024

Taiwan boasts a strong legal market, thanks in part to its leading role in semiconductor and other h...

The inheritance of IP rights

Most people aren’t aware that inheritance of IP rights is possible – and that it comes with complica...

Striving to connect and promote: The story of the Taiwan Trademark Association

The Taiwan Trademark Association was formed in the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. As the organizat...

Consumer interest: In trademark litigation, are consumers the missing party?

There is a growing belief that the consumer is a crucial third party missing from the courtroom. Esp...

Means-plus-function language: Inconsistency between the Taiwan Intellectual Property Office and jurisdictional courts

Means-plus-function language – also known as MPF language –is a double-edged sword in Taiwan, someti...

Protecting software and computer-implemented inventions

Software is now a vital part of innovation across various sectors, but many nations lack sufficient...

Taiwan’s IP Experts 2023

Taiwan boasts a strong legal market, thanks in part to its leading role in semiconductor and other h...

Has your mark acquired a secondary meaning?

There is often a thin line between a generic mark with a secondary meaning and one without. Lawyers...