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Asia IP

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UAE sees significant increase in IP registrations

Trademark registrations and IP registrations increased by 39.12 percent and 34.3 percent, respective...

UAE can now register their trademarks in different formats, according to senior official

Abdulla Al Saleh, under-secretary of foreign trade and industry at the Ministry of Economy, said tha...

United Arab Emirates IP Experts 2024

The future for intellectual property in the United Arab Emirates appears bright, thanks to a number...

Cambodia’s IP Experts 2023

Government officials in Cambodia have been working hard to improve the country’s intellectual proper...

UAE launches two new IP initiatives

The “intangible assets finance committee” and the “patent incubator” encourage creativity and the ex...

South Korea strengthens its links with Middle East in IP fields

This is also to strengthen collaboration in several areas, such as assisting startups and small ente...

Ministry keen to develop an integrated protection environment for various IP applications, says UAE government official

This includes preserving the rights of authors, contiguous rights, and intellectual works in all sec...

Emirates group receives observer status at WIPO

The involvement of ERRA among other stakeholder organizations and interest groups promotes the expan...