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Asia IP

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Katy Perry case highlights importance of getting broad trademark protection early

Key takeaways from the case which recently resulted in singer’s victory in appeal

F&B companies should avoid using simple names of dishes as trademarks

Key takeaways from UK-based Pho Restaurant incident.

Yemen removes trademark application limit

It has several key implications, says IP expert.

Should Gukesh Dommaraju register his name as a trademark?

IP lawyer says the world chess champion should register it or rely on image rights.

Apple fails in opposition bid against Wapples trademark registration in Singapore

No visual, aural and conceptual similarity between the marks, no reasonable likelihood of confusion.

The reverse confusion theory in trademarks

Is there a conflict between reverse confusion and prior use? — Espie Angelica A. de Leon

Protecting consumer interests in trademark examinations

Consumer interests are increasingly important considerations in the examination and trial of tradema...

UAE sees significant increase in IP registrations

Trademark registrations and IP registrations increased by 39.12 percent and 34.3 percent, respective...