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Asia IP

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Nathaniel S. Arevalo appointed as IPOPHL OIC

The designation was granted when previous director general Rowel S. Barba’s tenure ended on December...

Fraudulent signatures deal major blow to a Schedule A litigation case

This questions patent validity and exposes systemic legal flaws.

Thailand plans to add 22 products to GIs in 2025

It aims to raise market value of GI products to over B5.9 billion (US$170.4 million).

KIPO warns Indonesian “Korean Ramyeon” commercial with NewJeans might deceive customers

KIPO voiced worries that local consumers might mistake the noodles for a Korean product.

Uzbekistan joins the Hague System

This is an important turning point for Central Asia, as the country’s standing in global commerce an...

Apple fails in opposition bid against Wapples trademark registration in Singapore

No visual, aural and conceptual similarity between the marks, no reasonable likelihood of confusion.

For startups and SMEs: The way to a cost-effective patent strategy

Having limited financial means shouldn’t stop startups and small enterprises from crafting their own...