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Asia IP - Intellectual Property News and Analysis

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IP and data privacy issues companies should think about for M&A

As global mergers and acquisitions activity surged towards nearly US$6 million in 2021, IP lawyers a...

Legal issues around KOL marketing in Hong Kong and mainland China

Key opinion leaders – known as influencers in much of the world – are increasingly being used in mar...

A look at trademark dilution – and how it impacts brands

The more successful the trademark is, the more likely it may become generic, which causes the tradem...

Philippines Partners with Motion Picture Association (MPA) To Develop Piracy Monitoring System

The Philippines has teamed with the Motion Picture Association (MPA), which has agreed to assist in...

As fintech grows in Asia, are companies ready for its IP challenges?

Fintech has exploded on the world financial scene, pushed to the forefront by the lockdowns of Covid...

In the matter of a trademark application by Health & Happiness Hong Kong Limited, and opposition thereto by Monster Energy Company

The application mark was used in relation to a communications enterprise that provided tailor-made s...

Can patent citations lead to real-world impact?

Hundreds of thousands of scientific papers are published each year, believing they can make a differ...