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Asia IP

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Delhi High Court demystifies law on product-by-process claims

Key findings from India’s first litigation elaborating on product-by-process patent

The Scheme of the Patents Act and Rules obligates the Hearing Officer to pass orders within a reasonable period, says the Delhi High Court

In a slew of matters, the Delhi High Court (DHC) emphasized the need to adhere to the principle of n...

Patents granted in India increase anew in fiscal year, set record number

The milestone is the result of efforts to create a culture of innovation in India

Indonesia, South Korea open patent prosecution highway mechanism

“South Korean applicants will have an advantage when filing in South Korea first and later using the...

Quo Vadis, cannabis patents?

About 60 countries around the world permit the use of medical marijuana, and a few allow its use for...

India’s IP office seeks comments, suggestions for manuals revision

Manuals and guidelines for revision are those for patents, designs, trademarks, GIs and copyright.

Shortlist revealed for 2023 Asia IP Awards

We have researched all the major jurisdictions across Asia and the Pacific to put together a shortli...

Russia: Free use of patents

Two authors who do not know each other can create similar but creatively independent intellectual pr...