Asia IP
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IPOS, WIPO launch WIPO-ASEAN Mediation Programme
What you need to know about the AMP+ and how to apply
Cambodia, Singapore renew MOU to strengthen IP rights
It aims to strengthen economic ties and innovation environment, IP protection and more.
Singapore – Fonterra Brands v. Consozio del Formaggio Parmigiano Reggiano
In Fonterra Brands (Singapore) Pte Ltd v. Consorzio del Formaggio Parmigiano Reggiano [2024] SGCA 53...
Apple fails in opposition bid against Wapples trademark registration in Singapore
No visual, aural and conceptual similarity between the marks, no reasonable likelihood of confusion.
Copyright exception rules in Singapore need to be clarified – U.S. Motion Picture Association
Problem may lie in the rules’ broad scope, opt-out mechanism also needed
Updates to Singapore’s regulations relating to patent linkage
Amendments to Singapore’s Health Products (Therapeutic Products) Regulations (the TPR) came into for...
An Amazon discovery
This recent Intellectual Property Office of Singapore decision delved into the registrability of an...
Illegal streaming devices in online marketplaces: to stop piracy, SG authorities step up efforts
Problems remain as sellers on ecommerce can easily create new accounts, among others.