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Asia IP - Intellectual Property News and Analysis

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Level up branding, register for IP protection abroad – Vietnamese firms told

Vietnam’s National Office of Intellectual Property (NOIP) encourages local business enterprises to r...

Delhi High Court confirms India’s first anti-anti-suit injunction

InterDigital Corp & Ors. v. Xiaomi Corp & Ors.

Asia IP’s editorial team reveals China’s top IP firms, practices

And the winners of the 2021 Asia IP China Awards are...

Australian law firms remain profitable, despite Covid-19

A report says that law firms are reexamining the need to work from ‘premium towers’ post-coronavirus...

Law Firms, Consultants, and Interim Management: How can companies cope with structural change?

Is there an alternative to approaching a law firm or a consultancy? Asia IP sat down with Graham Pri...

Vote for the Best IP Firms in Asia Pacific!

Voting for the 2020 Asia IP Awards is now live. Have your say now!

The future of IP offices, law firms & in-house counsel

INTA has formed three think tanks to answer the question, “what might the IP practice of the future...