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Asia IP

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Updates to Singapore’s regulations relating to patent linkage

Amendments to Singapore’s Health Products (Therapeutic Products) Regulations (the TPR) came into for...

No exclusive rights over Hot Mix: Delhi court denies relief in trademark infringement suit

A district court in Delhi refused to grant an injunction in the present suit concerning the infringe...

Features of legal protection and advantages of a well-known trademark

A well-known trademark is a special type of trademark that has certain features and a number of adva...

An Amazon discovery

This recent Intellectual Property Office of Singapore decision delved into the registrability of an...

When is a 3D mark distinctive?

The law on trademarks of the Philippines (Part III of Republic Act No. 8293 – IP Code) defines a tra...

From fame to frame: How can personality rights be secured against AI misuse?

In the age of artificial intelligence, where digital simulations can replicate human likenesses with...

China expands IP protection centres

The CNIPA recently approved the building of a national IP protection centre in the Ningxia Hui auton...

Beyond the courtroom: IP litigation as a competitive tool

IP litigation drives market dominance and protects rights, but it requires balance with other strate...