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Asia IP

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Coming soon: Dedicated IP court in Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh lawyer explains why Vietnam needs one with specialized IP judges to boot.

Indonesia’s IP Experts 2024

If Min Usihen, Indonesia’s director general of intellectual property, has her way, women-owned micro...

Thailand’s IP Experts 2024

Thailand remains on the United States Trade Representative’s Special 301 Report watchlist, despite p...

Is your brand well-known in another country?

Understanding the ins and outs of well-known status and legal protections is vital.

The EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act: What does it mean for Asia and the rest of the world?

What does the EU’s groundbreaking AI Act mean for the rest of the world, including Asia?

Why your kids need to know their IP rights

Children are more likely to take pride in their creative works if they understand the worth of their...

Distribution and franchising in Russia

For the purposes of dynamic development of any large and ambitious company, entering a new market is...

Novartis v. Natco imparts clarity on examination and opposition process under Patents Act being parallel but independent

In a decision dated January 9, 2024, the Delhi High Court clarified that the examination and opposit...