Indonesia welcomes adoption of treaty
07 June 2024

Indonesia welcomed the adoption of the International Treaty on the Protection of Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge following 11 days of intense negotiations. On May 24, 2024, 193 World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) member nations and representatives from local communities and indigenous people agreed on and adopted the treaty during the diplomatic conference held at the WIPO Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.
Febrian Ruddyard, the Permanent Representative of Indonesia to the United Nations (UN), World Trade Organizations (WTO) and other international organizations in Geneva, emphasized that Indonesia played a crucial role during the negotiation process. For 24 years, Indonesia has coordinated a group of like-minded countries (LMCs) in negotiations on the protection of genetic resources and traditional knowledge. This is closely related to the country’s interests, which include its indigenous population.
Indonesia and other nations possessing genetic resources, IP and traditional knowledge stand to gain significantly from this pact, including transparency. According to a written statement from Ruddyard, “the global patent system will experience increased transparency where countries are obliged to disclose their patents globally.”
In addition, the treaty offers provisions for punishment aimed at strengthening the safeguarding of genetic resources and traditional knowledge. The agreement will support the preservation of traditional knowledge and the standardization and harmonization of international laws.
Febrian added: “This treaty opens up opportunities to advance other issues related to traditional knowledge and cultural expressions.”
Following the last negotiation, the WIPO member nations signed the Final Act, serving as the basis for the planned agreement’s finalization at the next WIPO General Assembly in July.
Achsanul Habib, the Chargé d’Affaires Ad Interim of the Indonesian Permanent Mission in Geneva, stressed in his concluding remarks on behalf of over 60 LMCs that the pact is a win for all sides and a clear indication that multilateralism has to remain a top priority.
- Excel V. Dyquiangco