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Asia IP

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Newest chain of convenience stores in copyright complaint, IPOPHL responds

Several of its goods have packaging that is purportedly identical to Nutri Asia’s UFC and Datu Puti...

Copyright infringement: A ground for invalidation and opposition of trademark in Singapore

Singapore’s Registrar rules against Malaysia-based maker of construction chemicals and waterproofing...

Voice ownership: When your voice becomes a digital doppelgänger

As AI continues its march forward, actors are increasingly finding themselves on the outside of the...

Couples in (and out of) love: Intellectual property issues in a relationship

Are IPs created during a relationship considered shared property, or are they retained solely by the...

How generic drug makers attempt to escape infringement charges in India

Fighting back against generic drug makers’ infringement efforts.

Japan’s news association calls for legal reforms against AI ‘free-riding’ on copyrighted content

AI-powered search engines are using news articles without permission, potentially infringing on copy...

Spotlight on fair dealing: Pakistani content creator’s YouTube video taken down and then restored

No clear answers as to what usage would be protected under “fair dealing,” says lawyer.