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Asia IP

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The Doctrine of Equivalents

"The importance of patents as a tool for national development and economic advancement cannot be ove...

What evidence must the right holder prepare in a patent infringement lawsuit?

The right holder in a patent infringement lawsuit can strengthen their position and improve their ch...

Contemnor to pay Rs20 million to Pfizer in Indian patent infringement case

Pfizer Inc. and its group companies filed a suit bearing no. CS (COMM) No. 442 of 2021 titled as Pfi...

Using the legitimate source defence in patent infringement litigation

Legitimate source defence is a common tactic employed by the party accused of patent infringement in...

Apple Watch might be banned for sale in the United States due to patent infringement

A local patent expert predicts the outcome of this quarrel.

Delhi High Court confirms India’s first anti-anti-suit injunction

InterDigital Corp & Ors. v. Xiaomi Corp & Ors.

uCloudlink Group announces progress in patent infringement disputes

The world’s first mobile data traffic sharing marketplace beats its competitor in appeal!

LG Electronics sued by American mobile software company for patent infringement

The South Korean electronics behemoth has been sued in the United States for infringing another’s pa...