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How do the Olympic Organizing Committee and gold medalists protect international trademarks?

Protecting the Olympic trademarks was once a job for the organizing committee alone, but these days,...

Green claims: Trademarks, certification and avoiding deception

Public demand for sustainability has resulted in greenwashing, the practice of making unverified env...

Co-existence: A bar to confusion

Are the ABS-CBN and Apple Podcast marks confusingly similar?

Fees for services in Kazakhstan increase for registration of marks, GIs, etc.

With the fee increase in July 2023, lawyer questions the necessity of increasing them again.

Is your brand well-known in another country?

Understanding the ins and outs of well-known status and legal protections is vital.

Capitalizing on Paris 2024

Just because millions of potential customers are watching the Olympics doesn’t mean that a company c...

What should we know about the names of drugs?

When it comes to naming drugs, there’s more to consider than simply coming up with a snappy trade na...

Tangail Saree recognition as Bangladesh GI product a pivotal stride toward preservation of legacy

GI tag also expands market reach, prevents other countries from claiming ownership of Tangail Saree.