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Asia IP - Intellectual Property News and Analysis

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Linklaters launches Making Links Asia University Programme in Asia, Middle East

Global firm announces expansion of programme that runs in the UK, Europe and the United States.

Patent Attorney Gauges Ongoing Cochlear, US University Infringement Suit

As Australian biotech company Cochlear and the University of Pittsburgh engage in a patent infringem...

Asian universities climb the rankings: What does it mean for the region’s IP scene?

As universities in the region continue climbing in global rankings, Asia IP asked lawyers in China,...

Copyright, trademark for online learning portal of 100-year-old university in India

Others already have their trademarks. What does this mean for India’s IP and education sectors? A la...

Harvard University offering free online computer course for lawyers, law students

Introductory CS50 for Lawyers among 67 free online courses.

IPOS, SG university offering online IP course for entrepreneurs, business owners

Free 9-hour online IP training course for entrepreneurs.

Hong Kong’s Biggest IP Event

BIP Asia welcomed 80+ IP experts from global companies.